dijous, 30 de maig del 2019

LOOK OUT: Theatre!

Picnic with a Caterpillar

Milly goes to the market and buys some delicious food and then goes for a picnic in the countryside. While having her picnic she dreams she is a caterpillar who wants to fly. As Milly the Caterpillar, she meets and talks about flying to various puppet animals – a bee, a bird and a butterfly- then she turns into a beautiful butterfly.

dilluns, 13 de maig del 2019

dilluns, 11 de març del 2019

Hello! In these videos the 2nd graders are talking about their school.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

The Very Hungry Caterpillar, a tiny caterpillar eats and eats…and eats his way through the week.

divendres, 8 de març del 2019

Hello 1st graders!! You can watch the video you made about clothes.